Quickstep Vom Hege-Haus ex Sh Ch Barleyarch Primrose

Born 15/3/2006  

Click here for Kenco's pedigree 


Kenco possesses the bloodlines of one of Germany's top working kennels, coupled with a first class pedigree from one of the UK's top kennels. He has an extremely affable and outgoing temperament and is a 'full on' type of chap! He has very balanced construction combined with a very strong hunting instinct and desire to find and point game. He has more than proved himself in this area as he had 4 gradings at spring pointing tests as as Junior, 3 'Very Goods' and the highest accolade of an 'Excellent' grading.

He was going to have a venture into the show ring but unfortunately he would have looked more at home in the Great Dane ring! He was more than happy to concentrate on the working side and was quite content to leave the 'showing lark' to Logan and Freya!

He won the first Novice Working test that he entered but his forte was being worked on the grouse moors where he proved to be a useful addition to the counting team as he was such a wide ranging dog with lots of stamina, style and ability to hold birds at a distance.

He was 15 on his last birthday in March 2021 but due to a back injury, he's been retired from any working activities for a good few years, but he still enjoys charging around on a daily basis and is the most adorable goon you could ever wish to meet!  

Sadly, we said a heartbreaking goodbye to our big lad in July 2021 but he’ll always be remembered as such a character with the kindest of souls. Happy hunting Ken.

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