CH Barleyarch Farthing at Drysika JW ShCM ex Barleyarch Tracker at Drysika
Hip Score 4:5. Heart test 0 (Clear)
Meet Foxy, who is the latest young lady added to our small kennel. She is from the final mating of Logan and Greta and we are hoping to both show and work her. As we're avid Strictly Come Dancing fans, the litter were all called after dances!
Foxy has inherited many of her Mother's traits and has a most 'gung ho' attitude to anything whilst still retaining some of her Dad's gentle and calm nature. Here she is approximately 6 months old with her Mum Greta and at at 18 months old winning Best in Show at Wigan Open Show.
2019 - Foxy has continued to delight us with her lovely personality and in her first year of showing, she has continued her winning ways as she approaches the end of her time in Puppy and Junior classes. Her accolades in 2019 have been: **Junior Warrant **2 BPIB at Championship shows **Best puppy in show- Central & Southern GSP Society **Puppy working test winner ***Best in Show at Wigan DCS and Best Puppy in Show at St Helens DCS
Here she is at 15 months, maturing nicely. She is also starting to learn the ropes to be a competant gundog too and has had a few days out on a couple of shoots as well.
March 2020 - Covid then put paid to any progression with her showing and working activities and we were hoping to recommence them once settled in our new home in Lincolnshire, aided by the wonderful training areas available here and easy access to many events.
September 2021 - Unfortunately, Foxy had a traumatic accident on a walk, resulting in her totally rupturing the ligaments in her pastern (wrist) which are unrepairable, so she had to have surgery called a Pancarpal Arthrodesis to fuse the joints together and a plate put in her leg, culminating in an alteration to her gait and a low level permanent pain free lameness. (This injury is usually caused by either the dog running at speed and her leg going down a hole and then her twisting round, or by jumping from a great height and taking all the weight on her pasterns. In Foxy's case, it was likely to be the former.) She then spent 5 months in a crate with the level of exercise slowly increased until sufficient new bone had grown around the joints and after 5 months, she could start short off lead walks and thankfully is now back to her normal exercise levels. Obviously, this has now precluded her from being shown again which is extremely disappointing. However, Allan is hoping to continue to do some light Gundog work with her and hopefully enter some working tests.
The photos below show the metalwork in her leg but she lives a perfectly normal life and is back to her happy, outgoing self, which is the best possible outcome for our fabulous Foxy.
JUNE 11th 2023 - We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Foxy has had a fabulous litter of 7 to Chance. (Show Champion Taftazini Cesar Chance JW). Both dogs have impeccable temperaments and are hip scored and heart Please contact us for a chat if you feel you could provide the optimum home for one of these precious pups.
Fabulous head shot of Chance and in the show ring